V glad that 🇬🇧🇪🇺 TCA has a review clause in it. @Fox4HailshamNT and I proposed this - here https://d3n8a8pro7vhmx.cloudfront.net/conservativegroupforeurope/pages/138/attachments/original/1601475989/Reset_To_Sunset_-_a_proposal_to_break_the_impasse_in_the_UK-EU_trade_talks.pdf - in September and promoted it in 🇬🇧 and @EPPGroup . There are many benefits of a review clause. Quick thread
Either party can call for review of trade parts end of 2024 (p218) exactly as we suggested to coincide w elections on both sides & NI Assembly consent vote. Trusted trader scheme for GB-NI border also has mid-2024 sunset. /1
Parties will review whole agreement – not just trade part – after five years (p410). /2
Our dispute resolution compromise – LPF issues included but neutral governance – also made it in, but proposal for next 4 years did not, so there will be lots of non-tariff barriers (NTBs) and, unfortunately, pain for 🇬🇧. /3
Away from sectoral rules, it is “horizontal” LPF issues – workers’ rights etc – that are most controversial /5
Primary benefit is 🇬🇧 will be able to approach the review w better understanding of what it values more: (1) different regulations / autonomy or (2) enhanced market access on par with SM participation. Can’t have both. /6
If (1), then TCA may not be on offer after 2025/6. Only way 🇬🇧 could persuade 🇪🇺 away from enforced dynamic alignment was either lightning tariffs – unacceptable to 🇬🇧 - or review clause. But can rebuild trust in meantime. Unlikely 🇬🇧 will be sweatshop hub /7
If (2), why not #upgrade2efta and get the benefits – absence of NTBs – of rules we are already following? Lots of NTBs = 🇬🇧 pain 2021-4 that can go away if pivot to @EFTA4UK 🇬🇧🇨🇭🇳🇴🇮🇸🇱🇮when review clause hits. Time to get campaigning! /ENDS
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