Business ideas #5 : Trading 📈📉💰

Ok, trading is not really a business idea but we are here to learn some way to make money ?

Right ?

I already shared my story about how i lost big and win bigger in trading.

It's time for us to go deeper in this subject.


Trading is quite a stunning niche

When you think about it, you picture guys in front of 10 screens full of weirds lines doing hard stuff, swimming on a pool full of money.

It's cliche but its far from true.

Everyone can trade if he want to learn...

Ready ?!
1 - Trading is HARD🔴

Pareto law is even more ruthless in trading than real life

There are around 90 % loser and 10 % winner


Because trading require some basic but hard skills to master:

- discipline
- humility
- ability to learn
- cold blood
- strategy
- patience.
2 - You will lose money☠️

Many traders broked their account.

In some book, they joke about it, they call it "the tuition" to be able to make it.

It's like fire, you know you don't touch it when you get burn.

You stop making dumb trade when you lose money.

Trials and errors
3 - It's you vs you

You are the guy who push the buy button.
You are the guy who push the sell button.

If you win, it's on you.
If you lose, it's on you.

Greed, fear, confidence, excitement ...

You will have to fight those emotions on a daily basis
4 - What to trade ?!

It's up to you.

- Stocks : regulated, less profit but less risks
- Cryptocurrency : high profit is doable but it's still the far west, you can lose BIG
- Forex : i never touch it , i can't develop on this one

Their are cons and pros for every market.
5 - You must be prepared - Books

It's a foolish thing to start trading without learning the basics.

Here's a good starter list :

- Trading for a living
- One good trade
- Trading in the zone
- Markets wizards
- The disciplined trader

It's mandatory, don't skip this part.
6 - You must be prepared - Podcast

Fortunately, there are a goldmine available on Youtube : @chatwithtraders

This is just the best , a podcast about pro sharing their :

- trading strategies
- win
- loss
- tips
- value

It's just gold.
7 - Why you should read books and listen those podcasts ?

Because trading is not about buying and selling.

There are so much area you must master :

- money management
- risk management
- portfolio
- type of trade
- finding your edge
- Stop loss
- indicators
- emotion
8 - Ok it's done, can i trade now ?

If you read this book.
You know the theory.
It's time to practice.

What kind of trader will you be ?!
Which trading signals ?!
What's your system ?!
9 - Type of traders

To summarize, their are 4 types of traders :

- scalper : they enter and leave a trade withing second/minutes

- daytrader : they enter and leave withing a daily timeframe

- swingtrader : weekly/monthly timeframe

- investor : buy and hold, it can be years
9 bis

Every 4 archetypes of traders are very differents ones and require totally different emotions and syste.

I love to scalp for the thrill, but i'm very bad at it.
I'm an average day trader.
I've got very good results with swing trading.

Define which is for you
10 - Which trading signals ?

Trading signals is the discipline within the discipline.

It's a vast one and their are book dedicated to only ONE signals.

It's up to you to do your work and study the basics.

My indicators are quite simple, bollinger band, rsi and chart pattern.
11 - System

Good trading is boring.

A trade meet your signals.
You go in.
Reach the target : you go out.
Lose a certain amount : stoploss

Rince - repeat.

All of that without emotions nor hesitation.

Your system are backed by math and stats.

You win in the long run
12 - The traps

Tilt :
It's the trap who killed many career.
You lose, you want to make it back and you let your emotions take control.
Game over.

Overconfidence :
You won few trade or a big one.
You think you are smarter than the market.
You are done at this very moment.
13 - Conclusion

To me, trading is one of the most beautiful art this earth had.

It's a mix between human psychology, math, stats, discipline...

But you must not forget it's real life, it can be money lost and odds are clearly stacked against you.
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I wish you luck in your trading career but it's pointless because only skills can help you in this one 😉

If you have a question, shout me a DM.
Bonus part ⭐

In the bonus part, i will share with you with my loss and my wins.

I will also update with valuable insight or story related to trading.

Bonus #1 : How i made and lost a tons in cryptocurrency
My favourite chat with traders episode :
- (the best of the best about swing trade)
You can follow @amillionjourney.
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