During the early years, I suffered from heavy depression. Once I beat depression and got my life and finances together, I developed anxiety issues. The stress from so many people depending on you for everything and the scary thought of going back to your old life.
I was making more money than I'd ever seen and never knew the pressure that came with it. I was going back and forth to the hospital thinking it was hypertension, heart attack, or asthma issues. Doctors couldn't find anything wrong but I felt something was wrong. It was anxiety.
Please take care of your mental health. Just because you convince yourself that you don't give a fuck about things doesn't mean that you aren't falling apart on the inside. Some folks are so used to helping others that they don't ask for help b/c they're afraid of disappointment.
And lastly, surround yourself with people who genuinely care about your well-being. Some people will not feel sorry for you because even at your worst, you still have more than them. Thanks to all the friends and fam who have been in my corner. Prayers to anyone going through it!
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