There’s a good documentary on Netflix that shows how the flat earth movement is almost entirely about community and belonging - no amount of evidence can shake their belief because admitting the truth means ending their community, and that’s not an option for them.
The XRP army is similar except a lot more money is at stake. The story is better and a little more credible. It’s not as easily proven false. You may have even owned XRP at some point.
So now, faced with overwhelmingly negative news, it’s no surprise that many people refuse to believe the truth about XRP. For a lot of them, it’s not about money or truth - XRP is their community and they will hold it to zero, just to say they did.
Even at 0 they’ll say things like “the timing was off” or “we were too early”. It will take years for some people to realize they were actually wrong.
Though it’s important to understand, “wrong” here is still subjective, even if XRP completely fails.
What’s wrong for you might be right for someone else, and what’s right for some people is getting humbled by a shitcoin.
For only then, will they be ready to learn about Bitcoin.
At the end of the day, XRP is leading people to Bitcoin. Even if it’s by first teaching them a costly lesson on what Bitcoin isn’t.
And this will happen again, and again, for as long as humans can be tempted and deceived.
And this is how #Bitcoin wins
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