Jeremy Daniel Kernodle (Eleventh Circuit, E.D. Texas)
Some very strong arguments in favor of striking ECA as unconstitutional. Terrific work @replouiegohmert
Reminder of why this matters: striking the ECA as unconstitutional leaves no barrier for Pence or DOJ to hide behind. ECA is clearly unconstitutional on its face so litigation before or after Jan 6th is going to happen. Ghomert just got it started.
If @replouiegohmert prevails and Pence carries through his Constitutional duties resulting in Trump’s 2nd term, I propose building monuments to them both and putting them both on our currency (Trump can go on Mount Rushmore).
If you pray please join me in PRAYER right now, for Judge Jeremy Daniel Kernodle (Eleventh Circuit, E.D. Texas) that God would grant him the courage and strength to follow the law, do what is right and issue a judgment striking the Electoral Count Act unconstitutional.
At this very moment (RIGHT NOW on New Years Day) he is reading and contemplating whether to issue an order on ECA or dismiss the case as Democrats want. Our future is in his and Pence’s hands.
So once again it’s down to Pence doing the right thing on the 6th OR state legislatures revoking certification of state electors by Jan 6th.
Review this excellent Epoch Times article summarizing Pence’s Jan 6th responsibilities under the Constitution:
For the record, had the situation been reversed and Democrats had gone to the 9th Circuit, they would have ruled on it in Democrats favor within hours. Our side doesn’t realize we’re facing genuine Communism and still think it’s a “ah shucks, we’ll try again in 4 years” deal.
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