Dear SSRians there is a new game by PR and their friends in the SSRians : this is a thread !
The game is to prove us SSRians trolls and defamers !
This started with Rohini singh putting the bait out there by opening her comment section and asking the Ssrians who they want to defame now ! Notice that this came right after record trending of #Love4SSR . They are riled badly!
So they first started attacking the architect of the HT #Love4SSR (Eray) then baits like what Rohini did , and then halla type rogue HTs , and now this defamatory HT for the blind writer !
And SSrians blindly trending these HT ! All they want to do is to get our accounts suspended for tweeting defamatory tweets , stop talking about justice and in this job their best friends among top ssrians and their minions are helping them!
We promised 5M for SSR birthday so how about destroying the ssrian accounts before that!
More than PR its their agents here who are playing a big deception game here ! On the outside they show themselves to be the greatest supporters of this movement! But inside they hate the fact that we trend!
My only request is to see through the deception ! Stop and see before reacting ! Are you here for targeted defamation of people or are you here for justice for Sushant?
Thread ends !
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