As a former health insurance exec, I can tell you my old colleagues are gearing up for the mother of all propaganda campaigns to keep @JoeBiden & Congress from enacting a public option (or any reform for that matter). Don’t believe me? Let's take a trip down memory lane... (1/7)
When I was an insurance industry spin doctor, I helped plan & execute the playbook to keep much-needed reforms from seeing the light of day. The playbook is old, but it works like new. In the 1990s, we kept the Clinton reform plan from even getting a final vote in Congress. (2/7)
Our disinformation campaign weaponized terms like “government-run healthcare” & “socialized medicine” to scare Americans about the Clinton plan. In 2001, we deployed similar tactics to kill the bipartisan Patients' Bill of Rights Act. (3/7)
Why? It would’ve enabled Americans to sue insurers for refusing to pay for care their doctors say they need. We won that fight too. My old industry was 2-0. (4/7)
By 2008, insurers had a proven recipe for success. In an effort to stymie the Affordable Care Act, the industry's trade group America's Health Insurance Plans (AHIP) funneled $100 Mil+ to the US Chamber of Commerce to finance the Chamber's anti-ACA fear-mongering campaign. (5/7)
And now at the end of 2020, the new front group protecting health insurer profits (The Partnership for America's Health Care Future) is resurrecting the same time-tested fear-mongering tactics against reforms that @JoeBiden & most Americans support. (6/7)
President-elect @JoeBiden, 12 million+ Americans have lost their employer-sponsored health coverage since #COVID19 began. Don't let health insurance industry BS (aka, malarkey) stop Washington from doing what is right.

The American people are depending on you. (/END)
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