1/ I've been having some bad mental health days and reflecting on this 2020 shitshow. I'm turned into an absolute potato, and as a grad student whose research was thrown off, I need to reset myself now that we're on the brink of 2021. Sharing what I came up with -

(A thread)
2/ Macro reset #1: A theme/word each month.

The focus should remind me of my WHY's and complement efforts in my day-to-day.

Example - Planning on powering through my dissertation proposal by March, so for my next 3 months: Jan: gratitude; Feb: self-care; Mar: curiosity.
3/ Macro reset #2: Proper project planning.

Though everything is really fluid and can change depending on my experimental progress, having a concrete plan really calms my racing minds and assures me that I am on the right track.

I tweeted about it here: https://twitter.com/lishu_he/status/1340528427925815296
4/ Macro reset #3: Goals = Guidelines

While goal-setting is important, I plan to prioritize setting up a system framework w/ goals as guidelines.

By creating systems, we build up a toolbox of lil habits applicable to anything we want to achieve in the short/long run.
5/ Micro reset #1: Habits

1) find common ground among my goals/stuff as a reasonable base for everything else.
2) build small habits  I believe will help make a system for success & achieve goals along the way (not endpoints) into my life.
3) review/adjust frequently.
4) repeat.
6/ Micro reset #2: Declutter

Need I say more? Having a blank slate has great positive effects on starting the year right.

But know that decluttering applies to our *physical, digital, and mental* spaces.

I recommend muchelleb on YouTube for more tips as I'm just starting out:)
7/ Micro reset #3: Days of nothingness & life admin

Permit myself to relax and do anything that doesn't involve the usual rigor I have to exert at work.

Schedule days to finish the lil tasks I promised myself I'd do but never did.

Calendar block & list things I will complete.
8/ Everything I shared is still a work in progress, but I'm proud to say that it's made a profound impact on me. Working on converting this into a Medium article, but I'd love to get more ideas if you've got any tips! Happy 2021 to you all:) @AcademicChatter
You can follow @lishu_he.
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