We all knew it! #ImpeachInJusticeRoberts!!!! https://twitter.com/CodeMonkeyZ/status/1343992477515018241
A patent in this Nation has a 17 year useful life. It expires after 17 years.. anyone can use it... Supreme Court Justices should have a term limit of 17 years as well! That is 4 Presidencies + 1. Also, House 3 x 2 year terms, Senate 1 x 6 year term, Other Judges, 7 year terms
We have so much talent in this Nation, we need to mix it up and let others serve. Over 600,000+ Americans to every one person in Congress. Over 47,000+ Americans for every 1 elected public official. These standards should be applied across all levels of government!
You can follow @BobbyPiton3.
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