What if you had never stopped doing these movements? How limber, youthful, mobile would you be?

Big opportunity there as parents. You're not raising an automaton, you can't control their every action or change their genetic proclivities, but you can mold their environment. https://twitter.com/mythoughtfood/status/1343977909934039040
Let babies hang from thumbs from day one. A newborn can hold his own weight.

Carry babies as much as you can, balance it with stroller time. Let them sit on your forearm and shoulders.

Less chair sitting, more floor living.

This stuff works for adults, too.
Barefoot as much as possible. Flat, zero-drop shoes with wide toe boxes otherwise. Vans and Converse are decent zero-drop shoes that are widely available.

Natural, non-linear environments are the best playgrounds. Slippery surfaces, varied textures and inclines.
My office during warm months is a nearby creek. Good wifi hotspot connectivity, lots of stuff to climb and throw and catch. Used to plop the 1 year old down and work while he roamed and stayed busy. Now they're older and range further. Still a great office. https://twitter.com/e_cdalton/status/1293285961527201793?s=20
You can follow @e_cdalton.
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