Japan has the lowest level of obesity in the world. In 2008 they introduced a ‘Metabo Law’ which requires men & women aged between 40-74 to have their waistline measured annually with limits set at 33.5 & 35.4 inches for men & women respectively. I don't fancy that idea much tbh. https://twitter.com/TheEconomist/status/1337592785365512200
đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡” also has the oldest population on the planet, which points towards the conclusion that their low level of obesity must have something to do with their low C-19 death-rate, but would 🇬🇧‘lockdown-sceptics’ want something like a ‘Metabo Law’ in this country? I seriously doubt it.
But whether đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡” has better C-19 outcomes bc it is has lower levels of obesity is not really my point. My point is that even countries like đŸ‡ŻđŸ‡”, who have avoided national lockdowns, have still had to take measures to reduce their risks in other ways. Arguably more intrusive measures
The same people are anti-lockdowns were also anti-masks, the same people who are anti-lockdowns & anti-masks are also anti-doing anything to combat obesity. So whats their answer? Do nothing?
So to say that the Japanese have always been small isn't strictly true.
They were poorer before WW2 & thus they were smaller on average. That changed after WW2. This is an NYT article about Japan written in 2001

There is nothing immutable about the size of the Japanese is what Im trying to say.
People from poorer countries are going to be, on average, physically smaller than people from richer countries. There is nothing immutable about that. https://www.nature.com/articles/s41598-017-17880-3
‘Relative to men born in the 1960s, the largest increases in adult height in men born in the 1980s were found in Japan.’
Thats not a coincidence.
I think ppl forget that as recently as the 1970s there were ppl in 🇹🇳 who were that poor they were actually starving. William Easterly recounts in his book ‘The White Man’s Burden’ how this gave the impetus for economic reform.

Its no surprise then that as the economic condition has improved in China that the height of Chinese children has increased in tandem with this

Why do we think taller people are less keen on the redistribution of wealth? If we remember that height & socio-economic class are correlated & that height is not a bad proxy for wealth & socio-economic class then we can hazard a decent guess https://twitter.com/DegenRolf/status/1344158812111040514?s=20
Height doesn't make you right wing, in other words. Height is just a decent-ish proxy for socio-economic class. We used to understand this once upon a time, hence this famous comedy sketch in the 1960s
Its a sign of of how long we have been affluent that we seem to have forgotten very basic stuff like this.
Im a nurse who works in a hospital. If you are ever in a hospital take a mental note of the height differentials between Doctors & Nurses, confounded by sex slightly granted but not completely, Doctors (esp younger ones) are often giants, nurses like me (5 ft 5) often pygmies.
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