Now that I'm awake I am going to share a story

When I was a teenager I was a much more obnoxious person.

I loved Radiohead. LOVED Radiohead. To the point that I would never suffer anybody not liking Radiohead and going as far as to insult them and their tastes.
I would get legitimately angry if people said anything not-good about Radiohead. I say not-good and not just bad because I couldn't even tolerate people being meh or ambivalent toward them
This mindset grew into my other likes such as video games and movies. I viewed people who liked dumb action movies with unrelenting disgust. (16-18 year old me would have had some WILD fucking takes on marvel movies let me tell you)
The point I'm trying to drive home is that NOT EVERYBODY HAS TO LIKE THE SAME SHIT AS YOU AS MUCH AS YOU DO.

When you start pointing and laughing at people for saying not-good things about your hobbies (regardless of how poor their take may be) just fucking deal with it, christ
I still deal with this mindset to this day. I see people watching certain TV shows/movies and my gut reaction is "lol idiots"

Anime was still a mistake though. Don't @ me on that.

Also Country Rap is objectively bad. I don't think that's controversial.
So if some fucking kid you've never heard of and would otherwise never know blasts out an epic of (hilariously dumb) takes ask yourself if you really need to respond to it at all
Thanks to the 3 people who probably read that.
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