I'm at a point in my life where I hardly ever open social media (Instagram, Twitter, etc.)

Never have any urge to watch other people's IG stories

I care even less for actual IG posts

Too busy caring about what's actually in front of me + being present

I've never been happier
If I'm legitimately interested in what's going on in another person's life, I'll just shoot them a text or give them a call

No need for mindless scrolling and watching random people try to create a persona that's completely disconnected from their reality
People virtual signaling + attempting to be "woke" but have never put up their own money for the cause + patting themselves on the back for posting on their IG story

People attempting to show off a good life when you know they're broke and miserable

Very sad state of affairs
How did I get to this point?

Create a life that's much more interesting than social media

That's it

You're on social media constantly because you're life is boring in the moment and you default habitually to opening the app on your phone

Put your phone away and live life
Stop seeking any external validation

All your validation, self-worth, self-respect, self-love, etc. should be internal

When you're completely self-sufficient and living a life you love

Why would your urge be to go on social media and watch others' lives?

Food for thought
You can follow @paik_michael.
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