We thought we at @DAWNmenaorg would make it easy for you @Billbrowder - here’s detailed info on the #Saudi culprits involved in Loujain’s prosecution, from prosecutors to judges to wardens to torturers:

https://dawnmena.org/countries/dawns-culprits-gallery/ https://twitter.com/billbrowder/status/1343797454702080000
Here’s the terrorizing attorney general Saud Al-Mojeb, responsible not only for prosecuting #LoujainAlHathloul as a “terrorist” but also religious scholar @SalmanAlodh who faces the death penalty https://dawnmena.org/saud-al-mojeb/ 
Joining Amal is this woman, Wafa Alsaleh, a member of the #Saudi Human Rights Commission, who also saw Loujain in prison, heard her pleas for help, and did nothing but report all was AOK https://dawnmena.org/wafa-alsaleh/ 
Prison Warden Colonel Saad Al-Salloum is responsible for #LoujainAlHathloul’s solitary confinement, deprivation of family visits, for absolutely no reason other than to torture her. Despicable. https://dawnmena.org/saad-al-salloum/
You can follow @sarahleah1.
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