Negar Mortazavi

1- born in 1981 in Tehran
currently living in Washington D.C. Journalist ,analyst and researcher on Iran and the Middle East and one of the lobbyist of @NIACouncil for the Islamic Republic in the U.S
2- Born and raised in Iran
she immigrated to the USA in 2002 and obtained a Master of Arts in International Development at Brandeis University. She became one of the knows Iranian reporter and journalist in U.S
3- In 2014 she joined @NIACouncil as a journalist and political analyst. Since then she supported and advised the Head of NIAC @tparsi and the team on how to communicate and represent themselves in the media, sharing her wide experience as an analyst at The VOA and Media.
4- With her knowledge she influenced many students all over the world and specifically the U.S , to support NIAC financially and politically. Starting campaigns for young students to join NIAC Action
NIAC action at UCLA 2018 ⬇️
5- Mortazavi shares a one-sided and biased image of the current situation in Iran, pretending that everything is good and affirming the legitimacy of the Islamic Republic. While people being imprisoned and tortured and executed in IRAN by the Islamic regime of mullahs.
6- one of @NegarMortazavi and NIAC's goals is to convince the US officials that the only and the biggest issues are the sanctions issued by the USA against Iran.
7- Negar Mortazavi supports congress candidates who are endorsed by NIAC and she continues to guide and consult them once they reach office, to spread the agenda of NIAC and the Islamic Republic throughout US officials and public.
8- Having been raised in Iran under the Islamic Republic system and ideology, she is well trained and the extended arm of the Islamic regime with extensive reach within the U.S government. She is responsible to promote @JZarif ‘S tweets .
9- She also counseled the Iranian team of the nuclear deal JCPOA with her knowledge of American policies, serving as a mediator. Still today she is working with @NIACouncil on their current projects Unites States of America
You can follow @DTehrany.
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