We're in a really tough spot as Black people in this startup/tech/emerging market space. In general, there's so much that we don't know, some of us are starving for information and are looking for answers anywhere we can find them. We want to be educated and included. However...
This gives opportunity for scammers and the spread of misinformation to our people - often times FROM our people. To make matters worse, we're so conditioned in the "rooting for everybody Black" mindset that we can't easily speak out against the bad actors because...
Then we're viewed as haters and anti-Black. It's really a conundrum, in my opinion. I'm not sure what we have to fix first but my approach is to encourage more of us to share our stories, time, and resources to help others learn and grow. Find ways to give first.
I believe that when it comes to sharing information we should be more like libraries and less like vaults, especially without our people. If I'm known for nothing else, I want that to be the thing that sticks. Encouraging people to collaborate, create community, and share info.
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