Someone; Hey can you help us with historically accurate costumes for Newsies (newspaper sellers) for this project?

Me; Sure, so Newsie outfits for boys and girls?

Someone; Hahaha no, that's funny, I did a lot of research on this, there were no girl newsies.

I also tried to explain that being a Newsie wasn't just fun and adventure, but long rough days of hard work and seeing, knowing & doing stuff kids shouldn't.
For instance if you were looking for a brothel or some other kind of adult "entertainment", newsies knew where to find it.
These photos are too interesting to not tell a bit more about.

Girls coming through the alley. The smallest girl has been selling for 2 years. Hartford, Conn. Location: Hartford, Connecticut.

Photographer; Lewis Wickes Hine
Two newsgirls. Wilmington, Del.
National Child Labor Committee Photographs taken by Lewis Hine, ca. 1910
Two News Girls, same as previous picture. Edward F. Brown, Investigator. Location: Wilmington, Delaware / Photo by Lewis W. Hine.
Ca. 1910
Have been selling 2 years. Youngest, Yedda Welled, is 11 years old. Next, Rebecca Cohen, is 12. Next, Rebecca Kirwin, is 14. Location: Hartford, Connecticut.
Ca. 1909
11:00 A. M . Monday, May 9th, 1910. Newsies at Skeeter's Branch, Jefferson near Franklin. They were all smoking. Location: St. Louis, Missouri.
Photo by Lewis Hine.
Although we probably all agree that child labour is bad, it is interesting that most pictures we see when the subject is discussed show sad dirty unhappy kids.
But there are also happy, smiling kids in these photos.
Life was tough, but they still had fun now and then.
Smallest boy is Max Schwartz (8 yrs. old) and Jacob Schwartz, 163 Howard St., Newark, N.J. Sell until 10 P.M. sometimes. Location: Newark, New Jersey.
1909, by Lewis Hine.
Two of the "helpers" in the Tifton Cotton Mill, Tifton, Ga. They work regularly. Location: Tifton, Georgia.
1909, by Lewis Hine.
Nine of these children from 8 years old up go to school half a day, and shuck oysters for four hours before school and three hours after school on school days, and on Saturday from 4 A.M. to early afternoon. Maggioni Canning Co. Location: Port Royal, South Carolina.
I'm not adding these to make it seem like child labour wasn't so bad, just that it wasn't all just suffering either, they were still kids but it is interesting that you don't see the photos with smiles very often.
Finally, applause for Mr. Lewis Hine who made many of these photos that helped changed attitudes and finally even laws regarding child labour in the US. 
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