you know what more software needs to come with?

a heavily gamified tutorial that familiarises you with the software. because so many times I've tried a new piece of software and then taken one look at the interface and gone

the learning curve for so many things is just vertical. I look at Blender and I am amazed that I'm even semi-proficient in it
also there's so much software that's just like... a duplication of other software except for a couple additional features that the other software lacks.

I'm currently storyboarding and I'm like.... "this is basically Vegas Pro 14 except you can draw directly in the program"
idk. maybe this is an ADHD thing but I really like programs that are like.

"we do this one thing, we do it well, we export it to a common interchange format that can be opened by anything else in your toolchain"
maybe I just notice what to other people are minor annoyances that they can work around because to me they're not minor, they throw a spanner straight into the gears of my brain.

if I don't get it and I don't know where to quickly find out how to get it, I sort of just... crash.
also to be honest I just keep thinking about @gravislizard's excellent thread going over perceptual speed of computer use and interface design and being like....

"wow. most software interfaces are really bad"
Again though maybe they're bad *for me* - I'm the sort where I really like the paradigm of being able to rapidly iterate and fail. Anything slow, anything clunky, will throw me off.

The more complex the software and the worse the interface, the harder it is to get that fluidity.
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