My controversial take of the day: We should start a tradition of ritually euthanizing people who get old enough that they can't care for themselves at home. Like a funeral, but the person is there for it.

They live on through their children and grandchildren.
It could be a party, it could be fun.

It could even incorporate #Cryopreservation, or maybe some eco-ritual for the eco types like you get turned into a tree.
The UK employs about 2.5 million people to care for the elderly, mostly female. Those people should be looking after children, one way or another (either as parents, or child-carers).

In the UK ~400,000 older people (65+) live in care homes.
All that effort should be going into children. 400,000 more children per year! No caring for people who are past it. They live on through the next generation. (And I have no objection to #cryonics here, as that is extremely cheap)
Rationality rediscovers tradition:

In the depths of the mountains,
Whom was it for the aged mother snapped
One twig after another?
Heedless of herself
She did so
For the sake of her son
( a son carries his mother up a mountain on his back. During the journey, she stretches out her arms, catching the twigs and scattering them in their wake, so that her son will be able to find the way home. ) 
And just to clarify, this should happen with the informed consent of an old person, but it should be the social default and the state shouldn't fund care homes for the elderly, instead it should fund send-off parties and funeral/cryopreservation arrangements.
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