1. Trump's assault on our military and the 2021NDAA has bounced around from attacking it because the Confederates are being scrubbed from our bases to now a nutty claim that Section 230 of the Communications Decency Act of 1996 should be repealed. Leave aside 230 has
2. nothing to do with our military & the fact that it would likely result in Trump being banned from the internet other than 4Chan & other fringe Nazi related sites, why is he doing this? I finally dug into the bill and I think I know why he has to attack it. His boss demands it.
3. One of the things added to the bill was restated policy determination that we support Ukraine being granted entry into @NATO's Enhanced Opportunities Partnership Program. See Sec. 6235. But there is a line that would have been too much for Putin.
4. The last subsection of 6235 reads: "congratulates Ukraine on its inclusion in the North Atlantic Treaty Organization Enhanced Opportunities Partnership and on the establishment of a roadmap to full NATO accession for Ukraine." Yikes! Позвони этому дураку Трампу по телефону!
5. Putin risked everything on Trump's 2016 election to prevent Ukraine's move towards @NATO membership. Trump's failure to deliver that may have real consequences for Trump when he's back on the street. He knows Putin will blame him and he's doing everything he can to kill it.
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