I think it's weird how this new era of puritanism is taking root, historically we've gone back and forth between incessant censorship and then blatant disregard for censorship.

In the 50's it was all separate beds in rooms and no swearing etc.

The 60's and 70's ushered in (1)
An era of Sex and Drugs in media/music, then in the 80's and 90's with video games and heavy metal we had the satanic panic and conservative scolds trying to impose censorship on these mediums.

Then in the 2000's there seemed to be a ton of controversial media and content. (2)
Now we're retroactively cancelling and censoring/removing Television shows/games/actors/people in a wave of PC censorship that's frankly disconcerting.

I've gotten several shows and games on physical media since it appears things will get worse before they get better. (end rant)
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