14 Content Marketing Lessons from 2020

1. Know when and how to pivot your brand messaging:

When the world changes, poor brands change their volume; good brands change their tone; great brands change their value.
2. Tie your work to revenue, not cost:

Identify and report on metrics that show how your day-to-day influences the bottom line. Marketing can be seen as a revenue generator or a cost center depending on how marketers market themselves.
3. Use best practices as guidance, not gospel:

Remember that best practices can only tell you what has worked in the past, not what is going to work next. Reference them. Learn why they worked. And then improve on them.
4. 80% of those in professional storytelling fields are white:

People who choose what stories to tell control the narrative. White storytellers need to be aware of the limits of their perspective and the disproportionality of their influence.
5. Content strategy should limit your scope of work, not expand it:

Determine the topics, audiences, and metrics you care about. And then focus on them exclusively. Everything else will compromise your ability to deliver on your priorities.
6. Thought leadership needs thought leaders:

Get bona fide experts to inform and author your content. This will elevate the credibility of your internal thought leaders. Aim for a point where you don’t have to ask 'what should I write about,' but rather, 'who should I talk to?'
7. Embrace the awkward silence in brainstorms:

A lot of creatives are better thinkers than speakers. Give everyone a moment to exist in unclaimed air to formulate, position, and deliver their thoughts. (Especially necessary in virtual settings.)
8. Err on the side of being human:

Companies strive to be perfect; brands strive to be human. People will forgive imperfection, but they won’t forgive a lack of self-awareness.
9. Your existence is only as rewarding as your to-do list:

Don’t go through life checking things off a list. Make sure every activity that is taking up your time warrants your time. Both in work and leisure.
10. Experiment with 20% of your marketing strategy:

In 2025, your most successful marketing tactic will be something you are not doing right now. The only way to uncover your next big idea is to have it and test it.
11. Your brand is your “why”; your content is your “why now”:

Your brand should aim to move the world in big and broad ways. Your content should move an individual in a small but meaningful way today.
12. Set outcome-based, not activity-based goals:

Activity-based marketing teams do everything they can. Outcome-based teams do everything they need to do. The former solves problems with more; the latter with better.
13. Be thankful for #MarketingTwitter:

These are your people. Connect with them regularly to stay inspired and sane.

14. Drink more cranberry juice while vibing on your skateboard.
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