Just wanted to talk about stuff I've done this year, starting off with games because I'm 900lbs:
Risk of Rain 2 is a fucking banger, especially with friends, I love how its not scared to let you become as OP as possible so you can toy around with they game's systems and make these god-like builds that annihilate anything in your path, all I played in November
I only got Hades a couple weeks ago, but I'm loving it, its very tough but super satisfying to play and go through each room, trying the powers of different gods and I love how the gameplay flows perfectly with the story
I'm a pussy when it comes to horror games but with friends Dead By Daylight has been a lot of fun and a good laugh, I've been playing this game on and off but its always nice to come back to it. fuck doctor tho
Its just crack in a game why is this still £5 I have like 1000 hours on it fuck
When Doom Eternal came out I fell in love with the fast paced action, its just 2016 amped up which is just great. not much else to say here just fucking duh
I LOVE the style of Hyper Light Drifter, the setting, the fact its all a reference to the creator's heart disease, it was a moving experience while also being so much fun.
One of my favourite remakes of one of my favourite games, I hate JRPGs but jesus fuck this one is beautiful, love the chemistry of the characters, the world, plot, but FUCK im never doing so many fetch quests again
Fun for 3 weeks then never touched it again, didn't catch me as much as New Leaf did tbh but it was cute for a while
played this on and off with friends, all I've truly taken away from it now is that @Real_CactusTeam really wants to play Doomfist
do i even bother explaining why
anyway this has been an explanation on why i am 900lbs see you tomorrow for summarising my music this year
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