I believe there is a massive group of people out there who *want* to like fighting games, but haven't been able to overcome the barriers and make that a reality.

Helping them breakthrough will take a combination of new experimental games, entry level games, and community help.
As a whole, the community does a good job of making 'how to' content for those who are looking for it and ready for it.

The community has not done a great job of tolerating new/different game types that may help interested people get into the genre.
Today's games are coming with stronger tutorials, but not everyone can learn this way. Beyond that, they usually aren't fun, and its like asking someone to read a 2 hour manual before finding out if they even like the game.

The games can do better here.
Games and community rarely connect. Sure, someone who WANTS to find a tutorial online can find one.

The games themselves should be pushing people toward curated, helpful content. Not from twitter or social, but from inside the game itself.
If some weird new kinda-fighting-game comes out, what should the community do?

The main this is, if you don't like it, go ahead and say so, but don't attack people who do. That game may help grow the audience of your favorite game. A rising tide raises all ships.
To the developer of that weird new kinda-fighting game... what should you do? Focus on connecting community with the game in a way that helps people find the information or content they need to overcome the barriers your game presents.
If you do a tutorial, make it short and basic as all hell, and try to make it fun or funny to keep people engaged.

Make sure your game is interesting and fun when playing with just the basics. If the advanced level is required to have a good time, people won't make it that far.
People want to like fighting games.

Fighting gamers want the player base and sometimes the audience to grow.

We can do that by working together, being tolerant and positive, and showing people why we love what we love.

Give them a taste, and make it a good one.
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