The problems with the judicial system isn’t new. Found an article in the FBI vault re: Associate justice Hugo Black. 5th longest serving justice on the court. A quick little thread.
Hugo Black (1886-1971)
US Senator 1927-1937
associate justice of SCOTUS 1937-1971
Nominated by FDR; confirmed in Senate 63-16

History: anti-Catholic views and admitted member of the KKK

Known as staunch supporter of liberal policies and civil liberties.
Graduated from university of Alabama law school June 1906

1911: asked to serve as police court judge in Birmingham, Alabama (Only judicial experience prior to serving on SCOTUS)
He served on the Supreme Court for 34 years.

1937-1968: 71 cases were brought before him; in all 71 cases Black voted to sustain the position advocated by communists,
Justice William O. Douglas participated in 69 cases, sustaining the communists position 66 times
Justice Felix Frankfurter participated in 72 cases: Ruled with communists 56 times and against 16
Chief Justice Earl Warren: sided with communists 36 times and opposed only 3 times

Justice William Brennan: 18 for and 2 against

Frank Murphy and Wiley R. Rutledge voted 4 times in favor of the communists in all 4 cases regarding them
The article states when delay is necessary to help the communist cause, the court delays.
When suppression would help the communist cause the court has suppressed
When preemption would help, the court preempted.
When invention would help, the court invented
When misstatement would help the communist cause, the court has misstated; always it has been the communist cause that has benefited from the Supreme Court
Justice Hugo’s Batting Average on the Reds (found in the FBI Vault: Hugo Black)
There’s an overwhelming pattern seen here that has continued to the present day.
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