Thread of evidence of all the times the 'conservative' Boris Johnson has worked to give illegal immigrants British citizenship. There is no aim he pursues more consistently.

This is all evidenced by direct quotes from the traitor and reported in various media. Scroll down.
In 2015 Johnson cited his foreign ancestry (Turkish/Jewish) as justification for using Britain as a toilet. He also pleaded for foreign criminals to have the 'chance' to make a legit living instead of 'having' to subsist on crime.
Anyone interested in the 'Windrush scandal' should read this. The real scandal was the Windrush being allowed to enter British waters. Contrary to the cynical lie from the media, those on board were not invited here to help us. Precisely the opposite. 
Illegal immigration will never be slowed, let alone stopped, under a traitor government. To stop, let alone reverse it, let alone begin to slow and stop the colossal amount of legal (but still unwanted) immigration, entails opposing the Tories from a frankly nationalist position.
The only group I know of which unequivocally opposes illegal immigration, and the broader aim of making us a minority in our own land, is Patriotic Alternative. I recommend reading this and joining the mailing list. 
You can follow @nastymutant.
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