AT LAST! Common Sense Warriors, I can come clean: Inspired by fighters-for-truth across Twitter and the medias social, ol' Vic has been ensconced in our HQ trying to solve a mystery:


At last, I have the answers...

Who is it who made us attack Healthcare workers during a pandemic?

Who was it who forced us to lock-down late, and open early, resulting in over 1,000 Albertans experiencing a death?

Who was it who betrayed our followers and raised insurance rates, and gutted municipal funds?
Who made us look corrupt by firing the people investigating us?

Who made Big Jason go to all those meetings without a mask?

Who dragged ol' Prasad to India on the taxpayer dime?

Who hired racist mummies as speechwriters and curriculum developers?

The Truth will shock you:

It was...


But ... why? Why would we do this?

Well, after an exhaustive study, ol' Vic has discovered that it's because we're being undermined by shadowy forces from outside Alberta that sent operatives, under guise of folksy friendliness, to infiltrate our conservative movement.
All I know is that these operatives work for something or someone called "JK". Which we assume stands for Justin Ktrudeau.

We will continue to look into this shadowy network of funders and fundees, you can depend-- hang on Big Jason wants to talk to me urgently, be right back
You can follow @VicForAlberta.
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