Alexis de Toqueville said "There is not a single country in the civilized world where less attention is paid to philosophy than the United States." This lived experience movement has permeated politics, military operations and education.
This movement is driven by the individualism which the right embraces and the left for decades intellectually fought against, but have fully embraced themselves.
We need an infusion of Hofstadter's Anti-Intellectualism in American Life every so often.
The whole lived experience movement is nothing more than bumper stickers saying my kid is an honor student. Everyone's experience is just as valid as anyone else's. Sure, in the abstract I buy that. But tell me how that experience is relevant to this particular situation.
Telling everyone that you have a particular lived experience is somehow supposed to be authoritative or magical. But everyone has lived experience. It is relevant when brought into a specific context and tested against other such lived experiences.
If your lived experience is well outside the norm, then it really isn't relevant to the issue you're discussing for public policy. If it is the norm, then it isn't special, but just one example that builds the normal curve on which you are at the mean.
I got tired in my professional military career hearing people say "back in operation X we did it this way" without any thought as to whether operation X was in any way similar to what we're going through now.

How is that lived experience relevant? That is the real issue.
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