How many theoretical ways are there for the cabals to win? Think about it. They are fighting not just against us but also against a civilization many thousands of years older than them. The cabals do not even know anything that is actually real because they were fooled so bad
How many ways do they have to avoid being spied on themselves by the Eternal society they are fighting against? Zero. There is no SCIF that can be built to hide anything from the Council. The cabals are monitored at every point of the day and night with no exceptions.
Also keep in mind really bad nature stuff is coming soon. The Eternal society is under absolutely no obligation to help anyone that it does not want to. Without help, civilization here would be done. Even with the tech that was leaked to them intentionally, they have no chance
So tell me any possible scenario in which the cabals can win long term at their goals. Even some off the wall extremely improbable scenario... Can anyone find even one with even a 0.01% chance of success long term? There is no way.

Remember who they are fighting against.
They do not know how many ways they have been lied to. They do not realize how hopeless it is for them.

The Drama department is toying with them.

As 2021 starts to get wild (be patient it is not all at once), remember who is in charge. The cabals do have choices.
If they play somewhat nice, they will be given their level where it looks to them like they won. Granted it is all virtual, and they get wiped out of real physical existence in this realm, but from their perspective, it is a win for them. If they do not play nice, it is worse.
The drama department is willing to make them a small virtual level where it will seem to them that they just went down to escape problems with nature and then emerge from the dumbs in a world where they won. Granted it is not actually reality, but it will be something.
On the other hand, if they make themselves too much of a problem, they just get wiped out. No virtual level, no existing, no assistance.

The reality though is that the cabals are run by soulless human bots who are so deeply mind controlled by their own lusts that choice is gone
They may think they are brilliant free thinkers, but slaves to lusts are still slaves no matter the amount of wealth they think they have.

There is a difference between optics and actual reality. They are fooled by optics. Optics and psychology are weapons.
There is no way they win the war they are trying to win. It is possible that very small battles here or there are within their reach, but long term they are powerless to stop what is coming.
I know I say this a lot, but there are many details I am not allowed to share.
If you knew some of the details that I cannot share, you would see that this is all even more hopeless for the cabals than I can possibly express.

How things look in public are not how things actually are.

Relax when things get crazy. Our future is assured.
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