THREAD: Freedom

1. If you are ‘looking forward’ to a relaxation of the COVID lockdowns, as an indicator that you are finally getting ‘back on track’ and winning again, then you’re a non-thinking individual.
2. If you are ‘looking forward’ to a relaxation of the COVID lockdowns, you are the victim of a robbery.

If your ability to move around the earth, connect with other people, sing a song, get married, go to a funeral, swim at a beach or breath God’s fresh air...
3. ...are being handed back to you by your government, I’ve got bad news for you: You’ve already been robbed!

This great heist took place while you were sleeping.

You’ve already lost everything. Process it. Deal with it. Cry if you need to.
4. You aren’t about to win anything; You’ve been robbed and the thief is conning you into buying back your own belongings.

Make no mistake, if this virus didn’t have a 99+% survival rate and people were actually dying in the streets, you should all isolate appropriately.
5. If you are sick with anything, you should isolate appropriately. This is common-sense.

Common-sense also questions things:

- Is a virus that becomes evident to most people ‘after’ a positive test, actually deadly?
- Is a virus that has a 99.7% survival rate and a death rate which is roughly equal to the average life-expectancy rates, really worthy of being labelled as a global pandemic?

- Did the world really need to be plunged into shutdown and enormous debt?
- Why are big corporations open while small businesses are shut down?

This virus is a metaphor that will examine your stupidity-level and your maturity-level.

Check point: If you are hoping for your God-given freedoms to return, then you don’t have any freedom at all.
8. You do however, have a ‘master’ who is allocating privileges back to you.

If you must fight for your rights, you are not free. You are a slave asking your master for better privileges.

Hoping for greater freedom reveals you are a slave to something.

Hope reveals so much!
9. To believe in freedom, or to hope for freedom, creates an elaborate illusion within your mind.

The truth is that we can only experience freedom, away from the fight for what it is, or isn’t.
10. The Statue of Liberty in the US is a symbol of freedom and liberty, powerfully reminding people to ‘believe’ that they are free.

However, simply believing that you are free creates an entitlement that freedom will arrive in the way the captive thinks it should look like.
11. Freedom only exists within a context of imprisonment.

This is where we are now. Humanity is fighting over what freedom should look like, and trying to seize it back.

The Statue of Liberty is an idol that herald’s captivity, not freedom.
12. As we become aware of our true freedom, the Statue will be gently redeemed into the continual-story of our journey towards spiritual maturity.

Nothing was really ever stolen.

We just had a bad dream.
13. Wake up and walk in freedom. Walk in the freedom that is truly ours.

Uphold the laws that love and protect, while bringing an end to those that oppress and steal.

This is a radical faith. Walk in it.

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