Indian Government sponsored history revisionism is being undertaken.They call Indus Valley Civilisation of Pakistan as Saraswati Civilisation.Eandeavour is Indian Hindu religiosity oriented. Indian History is being re-written to claim so-called ancient origins of Indian Hinduism.
Scientific studies prove that river Ghaggar flowing through India, entering Pakistan as Hakra dried up in latest Pleistocene (2,588,000 to 11,700 years ago). Was not main water source of Indus Valley Civilisation cities & was not mythical Saraswati described in Rig Veda, 1500 BC.
Researchers from IIT Kanpur and Imperial College UK say the Sutlej changed its course around 9,000 years ago, leaving a defunct channel that many now believe is the so-called mythical Saraswati. Jamuna changed course about 40,000 years ago.
Ramayan Ayodhya Kand states, Ganga & Saraswati flows together. Kumbh Mela at Triveni Sangam & Mahabharata confirms this, meaning Saraswati is not part of Indus Valley.
British used Portuguese word Gentoo for people of local faiths. Word Hinduism was formalised in 1833 Census by British as anybody who did not follow Islam, Christianity, Sikhism, Judaism, Buddhism & Jainism etc. Hinduism was thus defined by what it was not and not by what it was.
Different pagan cultures have always had different experiences with regard to faith and practice and it still is the case - but for some earlier Muslims and British formalisation, it never would've become a unified religio-cultural entity.
Indian Hinduism, formalised as a religion by British in 1833, is one of the youngest existing religions in the world. It had nothing to do with Indus Valley Civilisation of Pakistan. Zoroastrianism, Buddhism, Judaism, Christianity, Islam and even Sikhism are much older religions.
Swastika has never been the sole religious representation of Indian Hinduism. Earliest swastika ever found was in Mezine, Ukraine was 12,000 years old. No idol or even any place of worship has ever been found in any archaeological site of Indus Valley Civilisation of Pakistan.
Some in Republic of India use the term Sanatana Dharma to represent Hinduism. Sanatana Dharma has its advent in late 19th & early 20th century primarily to replace a foreign given name Hinduism a local version.
Hinduism as a religio-cultural phenominon did not even exist when Panini, the grammarian of Sanskrit, born in Pakistan, taught at Taxila University. How could he be declared Hindu when Hinduism as a religious entity was formalised by the British almost 2000 years later.
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