That "more under-60s died on the roads" stat actually just proves yet again that you'd never allow a product that killed as many people annually as cars do onto the market if it was introduced today
"Hang on, so you are saying we are going to let people go around in these devices that can kill people at will, and it will lead to a guaranteed hundreds of deaths each year?"

"That's the plan, yes. Good, eh?"
"I mean obviously if you do kill someone with a car we might ban you from driving for a few months"
Like when people were opposing regulations making it lorry drivers could see if they were about to crush cyclists when turning left and all I thought was "How did we introduce vehicles into cities that could literally kill people without the driver possibly being able to see?"
I can't remember who said it, but I heard someway say imagine how different our cities would be if every time they wanted to cross somewhere where people were allowed to walk, drivers had to get out, press a button, and wait for permission. The school run would be transformed
Me, my kids, twenty other kids and a bunch of parents, pushchairs, scooters, bikes, all patiently waiting at the side of the road for 90 seconds while a handful of single-occupancy cars go through before we get given 20 seconds grace to continue our days
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