1/5 Let me tell you about a hidden gem you don't wanna miss

$MITx @morpheuslabs_io a $8m market cap with Fundamentals of a $500m mc project

Working with @Huawei_Cloud, #PwC, @Tsinghua_Uni

Integration w $Link #ICON $REN $VET $KAI $Neo $VIDT $Tomo $Nulls

#MLSEED #Bitcoin $ETH
2/5 $MITx @morpheuslabs_io is complete Platform for enterprises to build, test & deploy on 20+ #Blockchain including $Link $REN $VET $Neo $VIDT

Supports more than 8 programming languages

Integrated Collaborative Dev Environment (CDE), workspace mgmt & many preconfigured tasks
4/5 Full incubation/acceleration of ML by #Huawei

ML gets access to Huawei's tech, clients & audience

ML will receive Cloud resources from Huawei, including hardware support, AI modules and AI-based industry solutions

Excellent thread on this: https://twitter.com/EyeMorpheus/status/1337325959410835456

You can follow @Hossain1205.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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