Apologies for adding to the rather discourse-heavy topic of coronavirus but, let's be honest, there's nothing else going on these days is there?

Having contracted it myself a few weeks ago, I wanted to talk about the one particular element of it that has taken me by surprise
To begin with, there was the whole 'young people generally don't get symptoms' thing. I'm 35 years ago and was genuinely in the best shape I'd been in for several years. Eating healthy, I was running 2/3x5mile runs a week prior to the virus, I felt good
So the fact I got symptoms at all surprised me: the cough, the fever, the aches in every joint and muscle in your body, the nausea, the general congestion, the light-headedness, the fatigue, breathing difficulties...it really takes it out of you (who knew?!)
One thing I didn't get was the lack of taste and smell. On the one hand, I'm happy about this because food was one source of comfort throughout, but also I was intrigued about what that be like. But anyway, I digress
The thing which has affected me most is the neurological side of this. Insomnia, brain fog, really vivid dreams. The latter isn't a particular problem for me personally, though for some it's churned up some horrid nightmares and surpressed memories
Just prior to Christmas, I felt like I was turning a corner. Breathing was largely back to normal, the cough was less frequent, energy levels weren't overly high but they were manageable. I really thought that was the end of it
Fast forward to this side of Christmas, and it came back with a vengeance. The brain fog has re-descended. It's just a really weird feeling that's very hard to describe (not least because it really affects your ability to think)
Like a huge band of pressure behind your eyes and in your brain. Not particularly in a headache type of way, just everything feels...thicker. Including me - I feel more stupid than I did before! Some said it wasn't possible, but here we are
Genuinely though, it's really so frustrating to not be able to think properly, nor even affect it. I've looked into this and there appears to be nothing you can do. You just have to...hope it gets better
Earlier today, I spent two entire minutes trying to think of the word 'exposure'. I knew what word I wanted, I knew it was a common word, but for the life of me I couldn't recall it for two whole minutes. I won't lie, it's terrifying. I felt so panicked
Not knowing if this is just how my life is now, for weeks, for months, forever? There's no way of knowing. I researched these symptoms and they can reappear weeks after you think they've subsided for good. And then you start to read of all the possible reasons for it happening
Reasons that, while unlikely, start to panic you more. It's so overwhelming, frustrating and scary how you have no control over any of it. This is on top of the insomnia. I get about 4 hours average a night now, and my body needs more. But I'll awake in the middle of the night...
And my brain will be racing. I'm so tired and just want to sleep, but will be unable to do so.

I have work, I want to work, but it's just not possible when you feel like this. I can't do my job when my brain is like this. It affects life in so many ways
There are other elements that are rubbish but this thread is already too long. I don't even know if it makes sense. So my advice to anyone unlucky enough to get this is:
- avoid reading about symptoms (ironic), it just adds to your anxiety
- take all the rest you need
- good luck
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