Not bothered by Labour voting for the deal. It can't be stopped. It's better than no-deal, which is the only alternative. In that scenario, abstain or voting for are the only options and both have pluses and minuses.
What I really do want to see from Labour tomorrow is a full-throated attack on how we got to this point, a detailed criticism of the deal and a proof that they're prepared to link these issues to what we will face in the new year.
I want to see a party that has found its voice on this issue, which understands that it can criticise how Brexit is being delivered without getting bogged down in whether it should be delivered.
That's the kind of party that can not only keep Leavers and Remainers on board, but can appeal to those Leavers who are disappointed by the broken promises of 2016.
The question of the vote itself is over-discussed and of far lesser consequence.
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