Many men who go from identifying as "bisexual" to "gay" do so for many reasons. A thread.

#BisexualMenSpeak #bisexualmenexist #bitwitter #bierasure #bisexuality
Some identify as bi, knowing all along they're gay but weren't ready to say it or because they thought using "bisexual" would mean they'd face less rejection.
Some do so cuz they think they do or could like women/find admirable things about them but realize what they feel is not romantic &/or sexual. I blame patriarchy which mandates heteronormativity.

Fyi, bisexual men face homophobia AND biphobia, not *half/partial homophobia.*
Some go from identifying as bi to gay (or straight), though they are in fact attracted to more than one gender.

What people don't often discuss is how many straight & gay people fixate on their partner's bisexual label.
They may feel insecure or intimidated or jealous of their partner being bisexual/using the label & the potential they have to be attracted to another gender(s).
Some bisexual men feel this pressure & go from identifying as "bisexual" to identifying as "gay" (or "straight") regardless of who they find or have found attractive.
Framing "bisexual" as though it means u need to (eventually) be sexual w/various genders or that the label signals that you will be, is very harmful & leads to bierasure.
Another reason some of these men do this is because many women will not engage with a man who is honest about finding other men attractive or having been with other men.

So they drop "bisexual," for "gay."

They may find a freedom &conditional acceptance in gay communities that doesn't exist in many straight ones. They ID as "gay," not bcuz they're only attracted to men, but bcuz they feel they've lost the option 2B w/women altogether &feel more at home/less scrutinized in gay ones
Another reason for this is bcuz many of these men don't want 2 have 2 contend w/the controversy, pushback & violence that comes with identifying as bisexual.

Many men who identify as &/or who are assumed to be "gay," are actually attracted to more than one gender, however this society does not provide them the safety or space to identify as "bisexual."

Ways to combat #bierasure:
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