7] This argument is the one that is enduring, because there is a denial that violations of Indigenous Rights require redress. Recently, a piece was published asking to call y Wladfa a 'settlement' and not a 'colony' vs e.g. settler colony https://nation.cymru/opinion/why-the-wladfa-in-patagonia-shouldnt-be-labelled-colonialist-venture/
7] "Settler colonialism is a form of colonialism that seeks to replace the original population of the colonised territory w/ a new society of settlers. As w/ all forms of colonialism, it is based on exogenous domination, typically organized or supported by an imperial authority"
7] Europeans were brought in by Argentina as it undertook genocides against Indigenous people and Black people. Welsh people were beneficaries of the 1837 generation and the Generation of '80 that committed genocide against Indigenous people and Black people.
7] Everyone eagerly asks people to "move on" with assertions that one cannot be educated in nuanced topics, that we are misreading, or it was settleism vs colonialism or alternatively, settler colonialism. A tendency to sweep it under the carpet, if you will.
8] "If we can't see you, we are you" is a denial of the separateness of Indigenous people and rights. This is often based on attempts to Indigenous Rights to Human Rights, claim Indigeneity etc. This is a false equivalency, yes, they overlap, but a false equivalency nonetheless.
8] There is a denial of the Mapuche people and the Tehuelche people in Patagonia. When there is not denial, there is the idea that it has to move on or that it has come to a point where the Indigenous people and the Settler colonisers have become one.
8] This manifests in tokenistic and demeaning descriptions of indigeneity and Indigenous people. Dr Lucy Taylor says that there is a "myth of friendship" that prevails. The Indigenous people are portrayed as "children of the desert" but there is a natural superiority of Europeans
8] There is, to this day, a denial of the separateness of the Indigenous People and Indigenous Rights- while on the flip side, the separateness of Welsh people and Welsh lang rights are greenlit as reasons to perpetuate settle colonisation.
8] The UN ratified the Human Rights Act on 10 December 1948. France and the UK signed it while still colonising Algeria and Jamaica, for example. This is how it is a false equivalency. There are many ways that settler colonialism is justified: this list is a handful of them.
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