[1] THREAD: A review of our key milestones in 2020 using screenshots. First up, a reminder of what we're about:
[2] Hats off to our amazing Leadership Group, who helped navigate 2020 to pursue our above objectives during unprecedented times. This is them meeting throughout the year:
[3] When the #Covid_19 pandemic struck, and the country entered #Lockdown1, we cancelled our planned #WMElects20 Assembly & launched a rapid listening campaign to understand how our people were being affected.
[4] The listening campaign put fighting the spread of #Covid_19 & responding to the arising issues faced by our communities at the top of our focus. We teamed up with @healthybrum as a community partner to do this.
[5] We used our response to the pandemic to test the significance of our existing chapter priorities. On 'making our communities safer' we saw a rise in hate crime & an increased need for better youth mental health.
[6] On 'making our families better off' the real @LivingWageUK campaign became significant as low paid key workers joined the list of pandemic heroes. We stepped up to model paid work placements (more to do) & our homeless families organising got a boost with #BrumWish.
[7] On 'building a region of welcome', 5 years of organising on Sanctuary led to support for more community sponsorship + resettlement of refugees, whilst we built the power of ethnic minority businesses to survive the pandemic.
[8] An important part of community organising is meeting those in decision making power, to seek the specific change we want to see happen. Big thanks to the elected & non-elected officials who are/committed to working with us on our campaigns.
[9] Underpinning all of the above public action is a learning culture to develop leaders. In 2020, we adjusted to still deliver top quality national, local and in-house training.
[10] The habit of effective action + continuous leadership development + backed by top training, is the formula we used to strengthen civil society institutions to make an impact in their communities/sector.
[11] Our huge thanks to everybody who dedicated time, money and energy to help us achieve this level of action, leadership development + change during what has been a very difficult year.
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