This is how disabled people have felt, and continue to feel, during this global event.

Here is a genuine request to anyone who sees this tweet:

Please take a look at yourself - what do you believe about disabled people and their lives?

Do you see someone who fights against ableism and for the rights of disabled people? Do you see someone who values disabled lives as much as abled ones?

Or, if you’re honest, do you see someone who values abled lives above disabled ones?

Have you ever wondered why you feel like that if you do? Or if there’s an alternative? Does it make you feel uncomfortable to acknowledge it if that’s how you feel?

Society is ableist. It’s ingrained in us. And most people don’t really confront it unless they have to.

So this is an invitation to start taking a look now.

Ask yourself some questions about your thoughts and feelings about disabled people.

Probe a bit deeper than you usually would into the thoughts you may not usually confront directly.

In response to some of the back and forth you might have inside yourself, here are some prompts:

•What gives a life value?
•Who should decide whose life is more valuable and whose is less?
•Can this kind of thinking go too far?

•At what point would you feel it has gone too far?
•Where should the line be drawn?
•Can a line bf drawn?
•Who should be responsible for drawing that line?

This is not an invitation to spew unfiltered opinions underneath these tweets but a genuine invitation to take a moment today, and maybe tomorrow, to look at your beliefs from a different angle.

Additional questions to ask yourself:

•Who do you think of as being ‘disabled’?
•Are there conditions that may be disabling that you haven’t considered to be ‘disabilities’?
•Why do you think that is?
•Do you know many/any disabled people?
•Are you sure?

You can follow @UndercoverAutie.
Tip: mention @twtextapp on a Twitter thread with the keyword “unroll” to get a link to it.

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