Morning @krishgm,
Re #schools - the question that should be asked of EVERY MP/commentator supporting #schoolsreopening fully next week is very simple - “Would you feel happy to work in a poorly ventilated room with up to 30 unmasked others for 6 hrs a day whilst #COVID19 ....1
...cases are surging & a much more transmissible variant has spread widely across the UK?”
As a Dr who’s done face to face care throughout the pandemic I would not, unless I had safe, appropriate #PPE. The health & wellbeing of #teachers & families are being wilfully neglected.2
If they’re to reopen at all there must be a concerted effort to #MakeSchoolsSafe. Anything less poses an unacceptable risk to the lives of individuals, families & the wider community.
Delay opening for all but the most vulnerable & key worker kids, advocate #MasksInClassrooms..3
.... for secondary schools, increase heating/open windows to improve #ventilation, #blendedlearning with rotas etc
There are SO MANY options IF the will is there.
This is a public health emergency & we must take emergency action to get control of #COVID19. End
Thanks! @bbc5live
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