the malignant ignorance of centrists / liberals is insidious. nothing is cheap - capitalism hides the price you pay - you know what the price for rabid consumerism is? Apart from being grossly exploitative, it'd caused catastrophic climate change that threatens all forms of life
the innumerable ridiculous things about this proposition by Shekhar Gupta, @SANDIPANMITRA6 has covered excellently already, check it out. But let's talk a little bit about waste - about plastic, devices we ditch to buy new ones, do you know where it's going? Who is it killing?
What's the cost to produce new pretty shiny things we don't need? Where do we take water from? Minerals? Wood? Energy? At what & whose cost? Which people are deprived to allow you to consume? What about other species, ecosystems? Does the earth belong to humans alone to exploit?
how many species must go extinct daily? have you no respect for the immensity & complexity of delicate ecosystems that are millions of years old being destroyed ruthlessly - but hey 10x brands of cool drinks, soaps, cars to choose from! Climate Change is the price for cheap goods
you don't care about people dying of hunger, thirst, lack of shelter - you don't care how many are exploited, you don't know the cost capitalism extracts to offer cheap bullshit coz you don't wanna find out - men in power everywhere are the OG predators preying on the planet. Ick
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