Every time I hear about wage problems, I'm reminded of that one where people are forced to work at jobs, with zero choice in what type of work it is (or whether they can even do it), paid less than minimum wage...
Work for the Dole. A Government run system.
#AusPol #Centrelink
Not to mention that there are unsafe work conditions, and many places have a lack of decent PPE. In many cases you don't know what to do (because it mightn't be your field of work), and you'll be lucky if your supervisor knows what to do; they might just be some volunteer.
You can't guarantee that you'll even be able to get to the job because there's only a $20 travel allowance per fortnight and buses can be WAY more expensive than that these days.
You likely won't get a say in the hours/ days you work.
Another issue is there can be big problems with coworkers. Even if you complain to your job agency contact about it, they can't always do much because they don't have control over other agencies.
There are sometimes cases of work place bullying, including sexual harassment.
And yet well-to-do folk often remark, "if they want more money, they should get a better job." Many people I've known on JobSeeker payments have applied to 100s of jobs, often dozens within a month; to positions they can't even do, just because they NEED a job.
They can't help it if they don't have the money for better training or time to volunteer for job experience. It can often be difficult to find even casual work.
Even if student fees are to be paid later, there are still current money problems; such as rent, groceries, etc.
Yet, they insist on pressuring people on Jobseeker (/ other such payments) into systems like Work for the Dole. Which have similar difficulties. Expenses can rack up; childcare, transportation fees, etc.
Yet you're being paid less than minimum wage, by the Australian government.
So I cringe whenever I hear people, who haven't personally experienced Work for the Dole, marvel at "how great" such it is/ the "valuable work experience" it provides.
They simply have no understanding of how devastating it can be on someone's financial/ mental health problems.
Sorry (but not completely sorry) for always ranting about it.
Just my opinion.
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