With the completion of tonight's RAW as the final show, I think we can safely say that 2020 was quite easily the worst year in modern (Hogan to present) WWE history. It will be remembered as the year WWE delved into complete parody. Horrendous and irredeemably, embarrassingly bad
What our critics don't understand, is that we want it to be good. It would be great if the most visible and powerful wrestling promotion on Earth weren't a steaming pile of shit. We don't root for it to be terrible. It just is, and it's a frustrating waste of talent & resources.
I genuinely do not understand how anyone enjoys it on the whole. You may have your favorites you like to follow, or matches you might have enjoyed, but it is inconceivable to me that anyone could watch this dreck on a weekly basis and consider it a remotely good total package.
I didn't like Lucha Underground, but I GET why others enjoyed it. I'm not much of a fan of DDT or junkyard lucha or GCW, but the appeal of all of these things is easy to understand. 2020 WWE? I can't wrap my head around what remains of their loyal audience finds appealing.
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