Will even a fraction of the time devoted on TV to mourning Sushant Singh Rajput and demanding justice for him, be devoted to mourning 16 year-old Ibrar Ahmed, 20 year-old Ibrar Ahme and 25-year old Imtiyaz Ahmed, killed by an Indian Army officer?
भारतीय सेना के राष्ट्रीय राइफ़ल्ज़ के कप्तान भूपेन्द्र सिंघ ने 3 कश्मीरी युवाओं को अपने घर से अगवा किया, उनकी हत्या की और हत्या को "आतंकियों के साथ एंकाउंटर" बताया. क्या ऐसी हरकत भारत के संविधान के टुकड़े टुकड़े करना नहीं है? कितने न्यूज़ चैनल इन्हें "देश द्रोही" कहेंगे?
TV पर सुशांत सिंघ राजपूत के लिए मातम मनाने और न्याय माँगने में महीनों खर्च करने वाले लोग क्या 16 वर्षीय इब्रार अहमद, 20 वर्षीय इब्रार अहमद और 25 वर्षीय इम्तियाज़ अहमद के लिए मातम मनाएँगे, न्याय माँगेंगे, जिनकी हत्या भारत की सेना के अफ़सर ने ठंडे दिमाग़ से किया?
Highlighting rape and murder charges against armed forces personnel is branded "anti-national" in Indian media. But raping and murdering under cover of APSPA is not. Even liberal journalists like @BDUTT, @sardesairajdeep are silent. Even @ravishndtv maybe?
While @AzaanJavaid does a fine report on this for @ThePrintIndia, Print editor @ShekharGupta dismisses allegations of rapes and murders by armed forces as a "stereotype of rough 90s", saying "at least read the newspapers". Will he read, comment on a story in his own publication?
Main conspirator, Army captain Bhoopendra Singh is yet to be arrested because under AFSPA, a prior sanction from the central Government is required to prosecute paramilitary officials deployed in J&K. @DefenceMinIndia is using AFSPA to shield a killer http://brighterkashmir.com/afspa-and-the-shopian-fake-encounter
‘Why defame the whole institution of the army for individual bad apples?’ - common question asked by many people. If the army as an institution uses APSPA to shield killers, rapists in its ranks, then the whole basket is rotten not just a "bad apple" https://thewire.in/culture/rape-security-forces-afspa
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