Can we talk about the mental health risks - particularly to teenagers - of being in school when they don’t feel safe? Or when they are worried about infecting loved ones?
Can we talk about the mental health risks to parents who worry what will happen to their children if they are incapacitated or dead?
Can we talk about the mental health risks of impending financial crisis on a personal level due to a covid infection?
Can we talk about the mental health risks to those who find themselves with a positive covid result? Especially those who were unknowingly infectious in schools before they received their result?
Can we talk about the mental health risks to workers - like teachers - who, although they have a financially secure job, have little or no protection from a disease we know little about at work?
Can we talk about the long-standing mental health risks to people living in the unequal society that the pandemic has exposed - not created - and that which the education system does not cure but cover up?
Can we talk about the mental health risks to those told to shield ‘so the rest of us can get on with our lives’? Can we talk about how it feels to be told you’re not worth so much?
Can we talk about the effect on the mental health of everyone in schools the instant masks came into the school? Can we talk about how unsafe the children felt/feel and what that is like for them every day?
And while we are at it, can we have a conversation about the assumption that being in school is better for children than being at home, particularly if you are poor?
And then another one about whose job it is to ensure the safety of children when they are in their homes?
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