Young people joining big tech companies are under the illusion that they are being hired to do a job.

They are not. They are being hired to not join a startup.

In this podcast, @chamath tells @AndrewYang why this is the “explicit strategy” of these huge monopolistic companies.
When you are young, you usually have far fewer responsibilities. You have a few years where you have no kids, no spouse, and no house to support.

Your energy is at an all-time high and you don’t know what you don’t know.

If you can, try joining a rocketship instead of the Borg.
The key question here: how do I find a rocketship?

Nearly everyone in tech works for big and slow corporation or a dying startup. Neither of those experiences are fun for really ambitious people.

Working on something that is growing is exhilarating đź‘˝
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