15 Times Japan Proved It Was Lightyears Ahead Of The Game


1. High-tech Toilets

Japanese toilets will not only wash and warm your bum, will also play music for you so no one can hear your business
2. Wrinkle Remover

Someone must have really hated ironing. They have a hands- and effort-free shirt wrinkle remover that eliminates wrinkles
3. Butter Applicator

Someone created a portable butter stick, just because they can
4. Braille Cans

Drink cans have information in braille on top to help those with sight issues.
5. Feeding Falsies

They’ve invented a device that allows fathers to approximate the benefits of breastfeeding.
6. Photo Stand

Tourist attractions have phone stands so you can take a timed photo that isn’t a terrible selfie
7. Robot Waiters

Imagine having a robot serve you dinner?
8. Slower Please

Some taxis have a button that allows you to request a slower ride
9. Emergency Services

Some elevators have an emergency seat/toilet/supply stash in case of disasters.

Am I the only one who has never seen an elevator with a seat?
10. Smart Stalls

They have a system that shows which bathroom stalls are vacant or occupied so you don’t have to peer under every door
11. Calorie Counter

They invented an infrared calorie scanner to help people manage their diets (within an accuracy range of 20%)
12. Bullet Train

A Japanese innovative bullet train that travels at the highest speed of 210 Kph. They produced the very first bullet train in the world.
13. Neat Seat

Parents can find baby holders in public bathroom stalls so they can use both hands.
14. Fridge On The Go

Someone created a voice-activated refrigerator that comes to you when you call it.
15. Water Saver

Some of their toilets let you wash your hands over the tank so it can be reused in the next flush
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