Looking back over the past year in Hong Kong, it’s hard to fathom how much has changed. Pandemic, arrests, National Security Law, cancelled elections. Here’s a gallop through 2020 with a little help from a few of our @bopinion columns this year. (1/8)
Early on in the pandemic, I wrote Hong Kong was beginning to resemble a failed state. By definition, that’s one that is unable to protect citizens, to provide basic services and where government legitimacy is questioned. The trust deficit remains. (2/8) https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-02-09/coronavirus-hong-kong-shows-symptoms-of-a-failed-state
The changes of 2020 and pandemic restrictions have also made inequality - one of the territory's biggest problems - worse. So here’s my look at Hong Kong’s threadbare welfare state and how it could be reformed to serve an ageing society in dire need. (5/8) https://www.bloomberg.com/opinion/articles/2020-11-17/hong-kong-needs-to-tackle-its-worsening-inequality
And to wrap up, read @mbrookerhk’s ode to Hong Kong. “Its fate will be dissolved into a larger destiny, as was always likely and perhaps inevitable. My poor adopted city. Designed for obsolescence but wanting more life, it did burn so very brightly.” (8/8) https://www.bloomberg.com/graphics/2020-opinion-hong-kong-is-now-a-city-of-the-past/
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