OP begins thread talking about how GEOTUS has set up a win win situation for himself.

Tldr: three laws intersecting that can be used to imprison/ execute traitors

Youtube video link:
CIA Fren pops into the thread to add a little:
Another Anon adds that Lincoln used the insurrection act to lock up reporters and editors for spreading fear uncertainty and doubt.
CIA Fren responds with:

- GEOTUS has this in the bag. Even putting aside CIA Frens prediction it's pretty obvious that Trump will still be president at the end of January 20th

- the above is just one of the ways he can bring things down.
- millions going to DC to support GEOTUS will send a chilling effect on many in congress and the Senate. Good. Everyone who wields power should be constantly reminded that they do it with a short noose.
Addendum I screwed up the YouTube link

My bad.

Here's the real link
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