I was asked a question today. It definitely got me thinking. First let look at a couple timeline pertaining to the question . The below is from business insider (question asked follows timelines info)
April 8 New Jersey is the first state to issue a mask mandate Referred to as a face covering order. Hers a map https://abcnews.go.com/Health/states-mask-mandates-map/story?id=74168504 and some more info
Now that we have a basis as to win the virus hit and a timeline for when states starting to require masks. We know that there is a lot of controversy on this subject medical professionals have come out with different recommendations. Some have stated that
Wearing a mask causes different issues because of hypercapnia. Other medical professionals state that social distancing is not effective because of herd immunity lowering Antibodies within an individual to fight off viruses. Dr. Fauci has changed his opinion on masks.
There are even these Conspiracy theorist people that think that masks were planned by the deep state so that they could affect the outcome of an election. I’m just going to leave it at that everything I said It’s a fact and can be verified Now onto the question
What I was asked earlier was this “Do you think that they were requiring us to wear masks not because of COVID-19 but in order to lower our immune systems so that a viral or biological attack from a enemy would have a larger consequence on The USA?”
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